The first step is to create a children's activity. This is the step that defines the settings for your activity such as the age range of children attending and whether or not to print name tags and parent receipts.
In this sample, the assumption is that birth through 5th grade are in the same activity and you are using Check-in to record attendance, print name tags and print parent receipts for security. If a different ministry or different staff are responsible for the nursery area, you can certainly create separate activities for babies and school age children.
Additionally, the assumption in this sample is that children may attend anytime the activity is offered (i.e., any service schedule) and children do not need to be pre-registered.
For volunteers, the assumption is that each volunteer is assigned to a particular job and to a specific service schedule. Volunteers must have an assignment prior to attending the activity.
Tip! If you have not configured a children's ministry, see Adding Ministries for complete details on how to create a ministry and assign security access rights to the ministry.
Let's create the Children's Service Activity.
To configure the activity:
Your screen should look like this